Saturday, February 6, 2010

Party ON!!!!!

Disclaimer: this is not me, but it is a fellow blogger whose name I will not disclose for fear of losing my life.

I am a 40-something, wife-to-one, mom-to-one and everything to everybody, at least that's how it feels most days. I often find myself torn between guilt and selfishness, which makes for a pretty good type A personality. I would love to blog more, I think it could be a passion of mine; the problem is that the things that bug me the most are what I want to blog about - and the people who read my blog might be what bugs me the most and I don't want to hurt their feelings, thus the "guilt" thing strikes again.

I am posting this link to my friend Patty's Blog Party, hoping to help her make it a big success, since she nor I (and apparently a lot of others) were not able to attend Blissdom, (which I just found out is the mother of all blog paries). The link to her blog (and blog party) is HERE,or you can also see it here on my space, to the right of this note, just look for Blessed Moon. Follow her instructions to join in. Sit back, relax, and enjoy the show. She has a beautiful blog and I'm excited to spend my do-nothing day this week checking out all the other party-goers.

And may I give some credit to this wonderful website for helping me figure out how to do a hyperlink: Dummies Guide to Blogger


Angela said...

Stopping by from Patty's party. Nice to meet you!

Shana said...

Landed here from Blessed Moon! Very good post, I ALWAYS feel that I want to blog about things that bug me but at the risk of actually hurting ppls feelings, I don't! Darn that conscience! Thanks for partying with us!!

patty said...

lol-you are just TOO funny! i really enjoyed this post kim, and i think this is your calling! you really need to post more!, but i understand those pressures you described...

...hence the 2:06am time that i am commenting on your blog!

and disclaimer: that is NOT a picture of MOI! she is NOT referring to me, ok? ;)

(seriously, that's not me)

Unknown said...

Too funny! I enjoyed reading this post - keep it up :) Thanks for stopping by my blog - you are welcome to copy any idea I have, lol. Isn't that how we learn?

Unknown said...

stopping by from patty's too. blogging can be a challenge but keep at it, you have a great voice!